My two youngest children absolutely love to remove the contents of any box, basket or drawer. Caelan is by far the worst (or most talented) at doing this. It's been a daily battle for months to keep all her clothes in her drawers. She is the fashion show queen and enjoys multiple changes a day. I, on the otherhand, have somewhere along the way lost my amusement with this pastime. This last Monday, Keith took one of her drawers out of her dresser and took it down to a restoration center. The dresser itself quite old and has keyholes in each drawer. And they had a key that fit the drawers! Ha! And the key fits all the other drawers, too. Ha, ha, ha!
Tuesday morning, I heard the confused wail. "I can't open my drawers! It's stuuuuuck." I tried to hold back my smug grin, really I did. Every day since has been so nice. I've had less laundry, fewer minutes of my day spent picking clothes off the floor. I've been motivated to actually put her clothes in the drawers after they've been washed. This is great for me. Caelan still gets upset. I still happily go unlock her drawers and hand her the clothes. She is generally too busy to go to the bathroom when she should, but now that she's allotted one pair of panties, instances of wet ones have dwindled. It's awesome.
She realized today that I had a key. "Can I see the key?" she asked, slyly. I laughed. Of course not! "But I just want to look at it." She will never touch this key as long as I stay a step ahead of her. "Well, can you just put it right here?" Here being on top of the dresser, well within reach. Hahaha. I am beyond thrilled. They knew what they were doing back in the day. Now I think all dressers should have keys. One of the greatest ideas ever.
Score one for sneaky parents everywhere!