Friday, February 25, 2011

Currently Caelan

Here follows a list of Caelan's current preferences, dislikes and quirks.
  • She prefers the crust on a sandwich rather than the sandwich itself.
  • She likes ink, especially on her skin. Current body decorations: black on the tip of her nose, black on her arm, red on her chin, yellow on her leg. This could, more than likely, change by the end of the day.
  • She is never without her Tinkerbell blanket and pillow.
  • She wants her hair done with a bow every morning. This rarely lasts longer than an hour or so.
  • She also wants 'lipstick' and anti-bacterial hand lotion ALL the time.
  • When she is forced to wear clothes, this is her favorite ensemble.
  • She prefers tights or leggings to actual pants.

  • There is no chocolate in the house because she has personally consumed every last morsel.
  • Her favorite books are One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish, There's a Wocket in My Pocket, Snoopy and the Red Baron, Oh the Thinks You Can Think, and Put Me in the Zoo.
  • Her favorite movie is Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (Johnny Depp version) and knows most of the lines, saying them along with the characters.
  • Her favorite songs are Allstar (Smashmouth, from Shrek), There's Gonna Be a Heartache Tonight (Michael Buble) and the theme song for The Electic Company on PBS.
  • Her favorite TV show is Wild Kratts which when translated into 'Caelan' is Wild Kraps.
  • She loves Chaucer, likes Evelynn and tolerates McKenna.
  • She cuddles only in the morning right after she wakes up, but doesn't call it cuddling. She "only cuddles with Grandma."
  • If there's anything to swing on (door knobs, handles, ledges) she will swing on it.
  • She believes that pixie dust really is sugar and all she has to do is throw the sugar into the air above her to fly.
  • Now that her drawers are locked on her dresser, she has decided that to change clothes multiple times a day she must borrow from her sisters and her parents.
  • She loves black pepper and wants it on everything, including cereal and oatmeal.
  • She prefers not to see her bedroom floor and keeps it covered with anything and everything her mother would rather see in the baskets and bins.
  • She likes to move furniture around, including her own bed, as amazing as it might seem given her tiny body.
  • She prefers Spongebob fruit snacks to Scooby Doo, but only when there are no Princess fruit snacks.
And that's just a few...