Thursday, February 16, 2012

Delicate Conversation

Paxton and I have been home for two days now and the girls are enthralled with this new little being. Over the course of this pregnancy I have successfully evaded most questions that my curious five year old has tossed my way. I learned early on to shy away from specifics or Evelynn would announce to anyone that "My Mom has a uterus... with a baby in it." More often than I realized, my answers became "Uhhh, because that's how God made us." Thankfully, this answer has been good enough. Thankfully, Paxton was a c-section... that does wonders for explanations. Sometimes Evelynn produces her own reasoning from things she has learned. The following conversation took place on Tuesday soon after we arrived home with Paxton. "Mom! I put Paxton's pacifier in his mouth and look!!! He doesn't have teeth! How is he supposed to crunch his food?" "He won't have teeth for a long time. They will grow in when he's a little older." "But how can he eat?" "He drinks milk." "Where does the milk come from?" "From me because I'm his Mama." (I should say at this point that McKenna was bottle fed, making this conversation non-existent two years ago.) Evelynn just looked at Paxton and I wasn't sure where this conversation would end. Then she said "Oh, like a platypus." "Uhhhh, how's that?" (Totally didn't see that one coming... nor how to respond.) "A mother platypus lays on her side and her babies line up beside her. They drink the milk from the mother by sucking and that's what Paxton does." "Oh."

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